We invest significant effort and time in understanding the internal dynamics as well as external environment of your organization. (At times we are present in the guise of a consultant conducting a project onsite to gauge all the relevant aspects).
This is a result of an in-depth understanding which we have garnered while conducting the Diagnostic.
Our ‘Job Defining Document’ (JDD) consists of the following two components: What our Client shares with us (JD) and what we formulate after our Onsite Diagnostic – Ideal Candidate Profile (ICP)
The articulation is so strong that the candidate does not require any additional research to be done and understands the seriousness of the role.
Ideal Candidate profile (ICP) – Sharper requirement definition which at times may even detail a possible future readiness requirement.
Our Service Delivery is customized to ‘Candidate Psychography’. Non-standard SOPs are the norm for each execution which ensures that our delivery process is completely customized to each mandate that we handle and the type of candidates being engaged. We create an ideal mix of elements which are not limited to a standard dossier.
At this stage we give objective and transparent advice to both the client as well as the candidate to ensure longevity of the relationship which is sacrosanct for us.
Quality of Candidate Reports is very different from ‘the usual’ cumbersome documents that are created. Our process is stand alone and is based on ‘adaptive intuition’ which can be validated by profiling methodologies.
Due to the specific nature of the searches that we handle, our interaction with candidates even after their offer acceptance is based on sharing structured information about the hiring organization in addition to the standard follow-ups and engagement that is done. This results in creating a positive perception in the candidate’s mind and also addresses apprehensions/ queries which often remain at this stage, unanswered.
Where is stealth hiring applicable?
Stealth Hiring necessitates an extra amount of caution at every stage of the hiring process, in order to ‘gain advantage’ and make maximum impact. We are skilled in the art of ‘subterranean hiring’ where our clients do not want their identities exposed until, the ‘right moment’, due to various organizational or industrial dynamics. We are intrinsically networked with passive talent pools that are not overtly looking for career changes and who need a high amount of sensitivity.
Identifying ‘high pots’, creating a succession plan, benchmarking compensation and suchlike initiatives are continuously implemented in organizations to keep them ‘contextual’. Forward planning in forecasting ‘business critical’ resources which will need to be hired creates a need for assessing best available talent thoroughly. While several profiling tests based on competencies are available and very useful, the additional interpretation of a seasoned industry professional is often required to arrive at the ‘core’ of talent identified. The ‘adaptive intuition’ garnered over years of work gives such experts incomparable perspective.
Our panel of leaders from sectors in industry are called in to evaluate and assess leadership talent to give a holistic interpretation of candidates’ true value proposition which is contextual to their industry sector.
In case you would like to discuss this further, please click here.
Gaining an edge by acquiring new talent & technology as well as growing revenue by aligning with strategic assets and market share are a result of well-structured M&As. However, a large number of deals fail due to inadequate due diligence and integration leading to ‘acquired resources’ heading for exits. The new synergies which are created as a result of the new entity create an organization restructuring which has ramifications on ‘critical resources’.
Our experience in manning ‘merged entities’ by working closely with the acquiring organization ensures a smooth transition.
If you would like us to discuss this with you in greater detail please click here.
Infusion of fresh capital into an organization gives it an ability to attract resources with a skill set which at times may have been out of reach. Balancing the hiring process to achieve employee – employer relationships which are productive and have longevity is based on a knowledge based approach which we have perfected.
Initial public offerings are utilized by organizations to raise expansion capital as a one of the key reasons. While this allows for a wider catchment area for hiring the best skilled resources, the new environment where a lot of information has to be shared publicly results in a need for a high amount of discretion is required to maintain a competitive advantage.
Our ‘high engagement approach’ ensures the highest amount of discretion in hiring the best resources for you.
If you would like to know more about this from us please click here.